Red Belly Pipefish Doryichthys Martensii 8cm


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Red Belly Pipefish Doryichthys Martensii 8cm

Overview: The Red Belly Pipefish, scientifically known as Doryichthys Martensii, is an enchanting species revered for its slender body and vibrant red markings. Native to the freshwaters of Southeast Asia, these pipefish showcase remarkable grace and unique behavior, making them an intriguing addition to any aquarist’s collection.

Origin: Originally hailing from slow-moving streams and freshwater habitats across Southeast Asia, particularly found in Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia, the Red Belly Pipefish thrives in warmer tropical waters.

Feeding: Primarily carnivorous, these pipefish prefer live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, small insects, and daphnia. They might also accept high-quality frozen preparations or finely crushed flakes, though live food tends to elicit more natural feeding behavior.

Tank Mates: Best kept in a species-specific tank or alongside peaceful, non-aggressive tank mates such as small tetras, rasboras, or peaceful dwarf cichlids. Avoid housing them with larger or aggressive species that may outcompete or harass these delicate pipefish.

Aggression: Known for their peaceful demeanor, Red Belly Pipefish are generally non-aggressive. They tend to thrive in tranquil environments without the presence of boisterous tank mates or aggressive species.

Experience Level: Intermediate to advanced aquarists will find joy in keeping these mesmerizing creatures. Their feeding requirements and sensitivity to water parameters require a level of experience in maintaining stable aquatic conditions.

Water Parameters: Optimal conditions for Red Belly Pipefish include a temperature range of 72-82°F (22-28°C), pH between 6.5 and 7.5, and soft to moderately hard water. Providing ample hiding spaces and gentle water flow mimicking their natural habitat is essential for their well-being.