Red Line Rasbora Rasbora Pauciperforata 2cm
Overview: The Red Line Rasbora, also known as Rasbora pauciperforata, is a stunning and vibrant fish that brings a burst of color to any aquarium. With its distinctive red markings and sleek body, it’s a captivating addition to planted tanks.
Origin: Originating from the rivers and streams of Southeast Asia, particularly in Thailand and Malaysia, these rasboras thrive in densely vegetated areas with slow-moving waters.
Feeding: These Rasboras are omnivorous and readily accept a variety of foods. They enjoy a diet comprising high-quality flakes, small live or frozen foods like daphnia or brine shrimp, and also relish in the occasional vegetable-based supplement.
Tank Mates: Red Line Rasboras are peaceful and do best in groups of six or more. They coexist harmoniously with other peaceful species like other Rasboras, peaceful tetras, dwarf corydoras, and small loaches. Avoid pairing them with larger or aggressive species that might intimidate or outcompete them for food.
Aggression: Known for their peaceful nature, Red Line Rasboras are non-aggressive and are unlikely to cause issues with other tank inhabitants.
Experience Level: Ideal for aquarists of various experience levels, including beginners, due to their hardiness and adaptable nature. However, proper water parameters and tank conditions are essential for their well-being.
Water Parameters: Maintain a stable aquarium environment with temperatures around 72-79°F (22-26°C), a pH range between 6.0-7.0, and soft to slightly acidic water (4-10 dGH).