Saffron Coral Goby Gobiodon Citrinus
The Saffron Coral Goby, scientifically known as Gobiodon citrinus, is a fascinating and comical little fish that is closely associated with colonies of branching Acropora corals in the wild. This small yellow fish has distinctive blue vertical lines around its eyes and gills, as well as a blue horizontal line along its dorsal fin. Its body color can vary slightly, but it is generally a vibrant saffron yellow. The Saffron Coral Goby is native to the West Indo-Pacific region and is typically found among soft and hard coral colonies. It is an omnivorous fish, feeding on a variety of small invertebrates and algae. This species is generally peaceful and can be kept with other small, non-aggressive fish, but may pick on its own kind if kept in small groups. For optimal care, the Saffron Coral Goby requires a well-established marine aquarium with plenty of live rock and branching coral structures to mimic its natural habitat. The water parameters should be maintained at a temperature of 72-82°F, pH of 8.1-8.4, and specific gravity of 1.020-1.025. This fish is recommended for intermediate to advanced aquarists due to its specific care requirements and sensitivity to water quality.