Sail Fin Goby Exallias Brevis 4cm
Overview: The Sail Fin Goby, Exallias Brevis, boasts a striking appearance with its elongated body and vibrant colors. Known for its distinctive sail-like dorsal fin, this peaceful species adds a touch of exotic charm to any aquarium.
Origin: Native to the Indo-Pacific region, these gobies thrive in reef environments, preferring shallow waters with ample hiding spots amidst coral formations.
Feeding: They are primarily carnivorous, relishing small live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, and finely chopped seafood. A varied diet contributes to their health and vitality.
Tank Mates: Peaceful and non-aggressive, Sail Fin Gobies peacefully coexist with most community fish. Optimal tank mates include other docile species like small gobies, dartfish, blennies, and smaller reef-safe wrasses.
Aggression: With a mild temperament, these gobies are unlikely to exhibit aggression towards tank mates. However, it’s essential to provide ample hiding spots to minimize potential conflicts.
Experience Level: Suited for aquarists of varying experience levels, including beginners. Ensuring proper tank conditions and meeting dietary requirements contributes to their well-being.
Water Parameters: Maintain stable conditions with a temperature range of 72-78°F (22-26°C), pH between 8.1-8.4, and a specific gravity of 1.020-1.025. Additionally, ensure good water quality and regular maintenance for optimal health.