Sexy Shrimp Thor Amboinensis
The Sexy Shrimp, also known as the Thor Amboinensis, is a vibrant and captivating freshwater shrimp species. Originating from the Ambon region of Indonesia, this shrimp is known for its striking appearance and unique behavior.The Sexy Shrimp is characterized by its bold coloration, featuring a combination of bright red, white, and blue hues. It is a relatively small shrimp, typically reaching a maximum length of around 1.5 inches. This species is an omnivore, feeding on a variety of algae, biofilm, and small aquatic plants.When it comes to tank mates, the Sexy Shrimp is generally peaceful and can coexist with other peaceful community fish and invertebrates. However, it is important to avoid aggressive or large fish that may see the shrimp as prey.The Sexy Shrimp is considered a moderately aggressive species, and it is not recommended for beginners. It requires specific water parameters to thrive, including a pH range of 6.5-8.0, a temperature between 72-82°F, and moderate water hardness. Regular water changes and a well-established aquarium are essential for the Sexy Shrimp’s optimal care.