The Shadow Mosura Blue Shrimp is a strikingly beautiful freshwater shrimp, adored for its vibrant blue coloration and unique white “mosura” patterns. These shrimp are highly sought after by aquarium enthusiasts for their eye-catching appearance and peaceful behavior, making them a stunning addition to planted tanks.
Origin: This shrimp is a selectively bred variety of Caridina cantonensis, native to Taiwan. It’s a hybrid from the Taiwan Bee shrimp line, showcasing some of the most vibrant colors in the aquarium hobby.
Feeding: Shadow Mosura Blue Shrimp are omnivores and thrive on a varied diet of high-quality shrimp pellets, blanched vegetables (spinach, zucchini), biofilm, and algae. Occasional supplementation with protein-rich foods helps enhance their color and vitality.
Tank Mates: They do best in peaceful community tanks with other dwarf shrimp species like Crystal Red or Amano Shrimp. Small, non-aggressive fish like neon tetras or otocinclus catfish also make great tank mates.
Aggression: These shrimp are non-aggressive and peaceful, perfect for a calm, community tank. They prefer the company of their own species but will happily co-exist with other shrimp and gentle fish.
Experience Level: Intermediate. Due to their specific water parameter requirements and sensitivity, they are best suited for aquarists with some shrimp-keeping experience.
Water Parameters:
Temperature: 68°F – 74°F (20°C – 23°C)
pH: 6.0 – 6.8
GH: 4-6
KH: 0-2
TDS: 100-180 ppm
They thrive in soft, slightly acidic water with stable parameters, making a planted or shrimp-dedicated tank ideal.
Add this rare and vibrant species to your aquarium, and enjoy their tranquil beauty as they scavenge and explore!