Silver Dollar Metynnis Argenteus 5cm
“Meet the captivating Silver Dollar Metynnis Argenteus, a stunning addition to any freshwater aquarium. Originating from South America, these peaceful herbivores boast shimmering silver scales, resembling a glimmering coin in your tank. Their omnivorous diet includes plants, algae, and occasional small insects, making a varied diet essential for their optimal health. They thrive in a spacious tank with ample swimming space and prefer tank mates of similar size and temperament, such as other peaceful community fish like tetras, barbs, or peaceful cichlids. Known for their gentle nature, these Silver Dollars exhibit minimal aggression, making them an excellent choice for beginner to intermediate aquarists. Maintaining stable water parameters with temperatures around 75-82°F (24-28°C), pH between 6.0-7.5, and a well-filtered environment ensures their well-being. Elevate your aquatic haven with the grace and allure of the Silver Dollar Metynnis Argenteus!”