Silver Scat (Selenotoca Multifasciata) Care Guide
Overview: The Silver Scat, also known as the Argus Fish, is a unique and eye-catching species known for its shiny, metallic appearance and rounded body. These fish are active swimmers, adding a dynamic presence to any aquarium. They are commonly found in both freshwater and brackish environments.
Origin: Native to Southeast Asia, Australia, and the Indo-Pacific region, Silver Scats are often found in coastal estuaries, mangroves, and river mouths, where they move between brackish and freshwater environments.
Feeding: Silver Scats are omnivorous, feeding on algae, plant matter, and small invertebrates. In captivity, they thrive on a diet of high-quality pellets, vegetables like lettuce or spinach, and live/frozen foods such as bloodworms or brine shrimp.
Tank Mates: Silver Scats are generally peaceful but can be boisterous due to their active nature. Ideal tank mates include other brackish or peaceful species like mollies, monos, archerfish, and large tetras. Avoid housing them with smaller, slow-moving fish, which might get bullied.
Aggression: While not typically aggressive, Silver Scats can become territorial, especially in cramped or poorly maintained tanks. They may nip at smaller or more timid tank mates, so a spacious environment is essential.
Experience Level: Silver Scats are best suited for intermediate to advanced aquarists due to their size and water parameter requirements. They are relatively hardy but require specific attention to water quality and salinity as they age.
Water Parameters:
Temperature: 75-82°F (24-28°C)
pH: 7.5-8.5
Salinity: Brackish water with a salinity of 1.005–1.015 SG (gradually increasing as they mature)
Hardness: 12-30 dGH
Silver Scats grow large (up to 12 inches), so ensure a tank size of at least 125 gallons. Keep the water well-filtered with moderate water flow to mimic their natural environment.