Spotted Dora Talking Catfish Agamyxis Pectinifrons 5cm
“Meet the charming Spotted Dora Talking Catfish, Agamyxis Pectinifrons! Originating from South America, these playful and intriguing catfish bring a unique flair to any aquarium. Recognizable by their striking spotted patterns, these nocturnal creatures are a delight to observe.
Feeding on a carnivorous diet, they relish sinking pellets, frozen or live foods like bloodworms and brine shrimp. While relatively peaceful, they prefer the company of their species or similar-sized tank mates like peaceful tetras, corydoras, or peaceful cichlids.
Not known for aggression, they make great community tank members, provided they have sufficient hiding spots and peaceful companions. Ideal for intermediate aquarists due to their nocturnal habits and specific dietary needs, they require a moderate level of care.
Maintaining stable water parameters is crucial—aim for temperatures between 72-78°F (22-26°C), pH around 6.5-7.5, and a well-filtered tank with moderate water flow. With proper care, these captivating catfish will enchant any aquarist with their unique behavior and stunning appearance!”