Spotted Legged Turtle Rhinoclemmys Punctularia 20cm
“Introducing the captivating Spotted Legged Turtle, a fascinating species native to Central America. With its distinct spotted legs and intricate shell patterns, this semi-aquatic turtle adds a touch of natural beauty to any tank. Originating from the lush habitats of Mexico to Honduras, these turtles thrive in warm, well-filtered aquatic environments with ample basking spots.
Feeding on a varied diet consisting of aquatic plants, insects, and commercial turtle pellets, they appreciate the occasional addition of fish and invertebrates. When housed with tank mates, peaceful species of similar size and habitat preferences make suitable companions. However, caution should be exercised to prevent any aggressive interactions, especially during feeding times.
In terms of care, these turtles require an intermediate level of experience to ensure their habitat and dietary needs are met. Water parameters should be maintained at a temperature between 75-85°F (24-29°C), with a pH level of 6.5-7.5 and moderate hardness.
Bring home the Spotted Legged Turtle, a charming and engaging species that rewards dedicated caretakers with its unique beauty and delightful behaviors.”