Striped Gar Boulengerella Lateristriga 10cm
“Introducing the captivating Striped Gar (Boulengerella lateristriga)! Originating from South America, this striking fish boasts a sleek body adorned with distinct lateral stripes, making it a mesmerizing addition to any aquarium. With a carnivorous appetite, they thrive on a diet of small fish, insects, and crustaceans.
In a well-maintained tank with ample space, these gars display minimal aggression towards tank mates, preferring companions of similar size and disposition. Given their potential size, it’s crucial to provide a spacious environment with appropriate tank mates, such as larger tetras, barbs, or cichlids.
For experienced aquarists, the Striped Gar can be a rewarding addition. Monitoring water parameters is vital, aiming for neutral pH levels (6.5-7.5) and slightly soft to moderately hard water (4-12 dGH). Due to their active nature, a tank size of at least 75 gallons or more is recommended, allowing these gars to thrive and exhibit their natural behaviors.
Discover the allure of the Striped Gar, an impressive species that adds flair and dynamism to any advanced aquarist’s collection!”
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