Synodontis Petricola “Pink” – Species Overview
The Synodontis petricola “Pink”, also known as the Dwarf Cuckoo Catfish, is a striking variation of the standard Synodontis petricola. This small, peaceful catfish is well-loved for its unique pinkish coloration, active nature, and ability to thrive in community aquariums. It is a hardy and adaptable species, making it a great choice for both beginner and experienced aquarists.
Native to Lake Tanganyika in East Africa, Synodontis petricola is naturally found in rocky environments with plenty of hiding spots. The “Pink” variation is a selectively bred form that retains the same behaviours and care requirements as the wild type.
Synodontis petricola “Pink” is an omnivore, consuming a varied diet of:
High-quality sinking pellets
Frozen and live foods (bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia)
Vegetable matter (blanched zucchini, cucumber, spirulina)
Flake food and algae wafers
A well-balanced diet will enhance their health and coloration.
Tank Mates
This species is peaceful and social, making it ideal for community tanks. Compatible tank mates include:
Other peaceful Tanganyikan cichlids (such as Altolamprologus and smaller Neolamprologus species)
Other Synodontis species
Peaceful tetras, barbs, or danios
Bottom dwellers like Corydoras (in non-Tanganyikan setups)
Avoid aggressive or highly territorial species that may bully or outcompete them for food.
Synodontis petricola “Pink” is generally non-aggressive, though they may show slight territorial behavior toward their own species, especially in confined spaces. Keeping them in small groups of 3-5 will help reduce stress and encourage natural behaviours.
Experience Level
Beginner to Intermediate
Hardy and easy to care for, but requires stable water conditions typical of Lake Tanganyika biotopes.
Water Parameters
Temperature: 24–28°C (75–82°F)
pH: 7.5–9.0 (slightly alkaline)
Hardness: 10–20 dGH
Tank Size: Minimum 20–30 gallons, but larger is better for groups
Filtration: Strong filtration with moderate water flow to maintain high oxygen levels and water clarity
Final Thoughts
The Synodontis petricola “Pink” is an excellent addition to a Tanganyikan or community aquarium, offering both beauty and interesting behaviours. Its adaptability and peaceful nature make it a great choice for aquarists looking to add an active bottom-dweller to their setup.