Tiger Tail Sea Cucumber Holothuria sp
The Tiger Tail Sea Cucumber (Holothuria sp.) is a member of the Holothuriidae family native to the Indo-Pacific region. It can grow up to 6 feet long in the wild, but typically reaches 12-18 inches in home aquariums. This sea cucumber is an efficient sandbed cleaner, feeding on detritus, diatoms, microalgae, and meaty food scraps. For best care, the Tiger Tail Sea Cucumber should be kept in larger aquarium systems with thick sand beds and rocky caves for shelter. It attaches its lower body to the inside of its shelter and only extends its anterior half when searching for food. While generally peaceful, the Tiger Tail Sea Cucumber can secrete toxins when stressed or injured, which may harm other tank inhabitants. Proper acclimation and housing with appropriate tank mates is crucial. This species is recommended only for expert aquarists, zoos, or research institutions due to its specialized care requirements. The ideal water parameters for the Tiger Tail Sea Cucumber include low nitrate levels and the absence of copper-based medications. It cannot tolerate fluctuating water parameters, so a stable, mature reef system is recommended.