True Parrot Cichlid Hoplarchus Psittatus 10cm
The True Parrot Cichlid, scientifically known as Hoplarchus Psittacus, is a vibrant and unique freshwater fish that adds a splash of color and character to any aquarium. This species, reaching up to 5cm in juvenile size, is renowned for its striking greenish-blue body and vivid red eyes, mimicking the appearance of a parrot. Perfect for aquarists seeking an exotic addition to their tank, the True Parrot Cichlid thrives in a well-maintained environment that mimics its natural habitat.
Native to the Amazon Basin in South America, the True Parrot Cichlid is found in slow-moving rivers and floodplain areas. This fish prefers environments with plenty of cover and vegetation, replicating these conditions in the home aquarium is essential for their wellbeing.
The True Parrot Cichlid is omnivorous with a preference for a varied diet that includes both plant-based and meaty foods. A mix of high-quality cichlid pellets, frozen or live foods such as brine shrimp and bloodworms, and vegetable matter will ensure a balanced diet that promotes vibrant coloration and healthy growth.
Tank Mates
Being relatively peaceful for a cichlid, the True Parrot Cichlid can coexist with a variety of tank mates. Ideal companions include similarly sized and tempered South American cichlids, larger tetras, and catfish. Avoid overly aggressive species or much smaller fish that could be seen as prey.
While the True Parrot Cichlid is generally more peaceful than other cichlids, it can show territorial behavior, especially during breeding. Providing ample space, hiding spots, and visual barriers in the aquarium can help minimize aggression.
Experience Level
The True Parrot Cichlid is suitable for intermediate to advanced aquarists. Keeping this species requires attention to water quality, diet, and tank setup to replicate their natural habitat and minimize stress.
Water Parameters
- Temperature: 26-30°C (79-86°F)
- pH: 6.5-7.5
- Hardness: 5-15 dGH
Maintaining stable water conditions within these parameters is crucial for the health and wellbeing of the True Parrot Cichlid. Regular water changes, filtration, and monitoring of water chemistry are essential practices for any aquarist looking to keep this stunning species.