Weather Dojo Loach Misgurnus Anguillicaudatus 6cm
Overview: The Weather Dojo Loach, also known as the Oriental Weatherfish or Pond Loach, is a unique and fascinating freshwater fish popular among aquarists. Characterized by its elongated body and barbels around the mouth, it has a reputation for being sensitive to changes in barometric pressure, often becoming more active before a storm – hence the name “Weather Loach.”
Origin: Native to East Asia, including China, Korea, and Japan, the Weather Dojo Loach is found in a range of freshwater habitats, from slow-moving rivers to rice paddies.
Feeding: Omnivorous by nature, this loach is not a fussy eater. A diet consisting of a variety of foods like sinking pellets, frozen or live bloodworms, brine shrimp, and occasional vegetables will keep them healthy and active.
Tank Mates: They are generally peaceful and can be kept with other non-aggressive fish of similar size. Good tank mates include danios, rasboras, and some types of tetras. Avoid keeping them with small, slow-moving, or long-finned fish, as they may nip at them.
Aggression: The Weather Dojo Loach is known for its peaceful demeanor and is unlikely to show aggression towards tank mates. They are social creatures and do well in groups.
Experience Level: Suitable for beginners due to their hardiness and easy-going nature, these loaches are a great choice for those new to aquarium keeping.
Water Parameters:
- Temperature: 50-77°F (10-25°C)
- pH: 6.0-8.0
- Hardness: 5-12 dGH
- Water cleanliness is important, so regular water changes and a good filtration system are recommended.
Providing hiding places like caves or plants will make them feel secure. Remember, these loaches can grow up to 10 inches in length, so a larger tank is necessary as they mature.