White Spotted Octopus Octopus Macropus
The Atlantic white-spotted octopus, also known as the Callistoctopus macropus, is a medium to large-sized octopus species found in the shallow waters of the Mediterranean Sea, the warmer parts of the eastern and western Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, and the Indo-Pacific region. This nocturnal species has a distinctive red body with white spots and can grow up to 1.5 meters in total length, with the first pair of arms being the longest, reaching up to a meter long. The white-spotted octopus is a picky eater, feeding primarily on small fish and invertebrates that it hunts by wrapping its mantle around coral heads and probing the branches with its long arms. It is known to associate with predatory fish like groupers, which benefit from the octopus flushing out prey from the coral. While the white-spotted octopus is not considered an aggressive species, it may still pose a threat to tank mates due to its large size and hunting behavior. It is recommended for experienced aquarists with a large, well-established aquarium of at least 150 gallons to accommodate this octopus. The water parameters should be maintained at a temperature of 72-82°F, pH of 8.1-8.4, and specific gravity of 1.020-1.025. Overall, the Atlantic white-spotted octopus is a fascinating and unique species that requires specialized care and a dedicated aquarist to thrive in captivity.