White Tail Trigger Sufflamen Chrysopterum




White Tail Trigger Sufflamen Chrysopterum

Overview: The White Tail Trigger, scientifically known as Sufflamen Chrysopterum, is a striking marine fish native to the Hawaiian Islands and Johnston Atoll. It features a vibrant coloration, with a predominantly yellow body and a contrasting white tail. This species can grow up to 10 inches in length and is known for its engaging behavior, making it an attractive addition to a marine aquarium.

Feeding Habits: The White Tail Trigger is an omnivorous species and enjoys a varied diet consisting of meaty foods such as chopped seafood, crustacean flesh, and frozen preparations. It is also important to include marine algae and vegetable matter in its diet.

Suitable Tank Mates: Due to its generally peaceful nature, the White Tail Trigger can be housed with other peaceful fish species in a large aquarium. It is important to avoid aggressive tank mates or those that may outcompete it for food.

Aggression Level: This species is known for its relatively peaceful temperament compared to other triggerfish species. However, it may exhibit territorial behavior, especially towards similar-looking fish or those encroaching on its space.

Recommended Experience Level: The White Tail Trigger is suitable for intermediate to experienced hobbyists who have some familiarity with maintaining marine aquariums and managing the needs of semi-aggressive fish species.

Necessary Water Parameters: To ensure optimal health, the White Tail Trigger requires a stable aquarium environment with specific gravity (SG) ranging between 1.020 and 1.025, a temperature range of 72°F to 78°F, and a pH level between 8.1 and 8.4.