White Tiger Shrimp Caridina 2cm
The White Tiger Shrimp Caridina, revered for its stunning appearance, showcases a striking combination of opaque white and vibrant black stripes. These captivating freshwater shrimp are sought after for their beauty and make an exquisite addition to planted aquariums.
Origin: Originating from Southeast Asia, specifically Taiwan, these shrimp thrive in densely vegetated, soft water environments.
Feeding: White Tiger Shrimp Caridina are omnivorous and enjoy a varied diet. They relish algae, biofilm, and specially formulated shrimp pellets. Supplementing their diet with blanched vegetables like spinach or zucchini ensures their optimal health and coloration.
Tank Mates: These peaceful shrimp make excellent tank mates for other non-aggressive species such as small fish like Rasboras or peaceful community fish like Corydoras. Avoid keeping them with large, predatory fish that might view them as potential snacks.
Aggression: Known for their docile nature, White Tiger Shrimp Caridina exhibit minimal aggression. They’re more likely to engage in peaceful interactions within their community.
Experience Level: Intermediate to advanced aquarists will find joy in keeping White Tiger Shrimp Caridina due to their sensitivity to water parameters and the need for stable, well-maintained aquarium conditions.
Water Parameters: Maintaining stable water parameters is crucial. They thrive in slightly acidic to neutral water (pH 6.2-7.5), with a low to medium hardness (GH 4-6, KH 0-2). Water temperature should ideally range between 72°F to 78°F (22°C to 26°C). Regular water changes and proper filtration are essential for their well-being.