Yellow Polyp Coral Frag Goniopora Sp
Goniopora corals, commonly known as Flowerpot Corals, are prized for their beautiful, flower-like polyps that extend from their skeletal base. Their long, flowing tentacles create a stunning visual effect, making them a standout in any reef aquarium. Available in various colors, including green, pink, and purple, Goniopora corals are both captivating and challenging, adding movement and color to your reefscape.
Native to the Indo-Pacific, particularly shallow, nutrient-rich reef environments, Goniopora corals are often found in lagoon and sandy reef zones.
Experience Level:
Advanced. Goniopora corals are more sensitive and require stable, well-maintained water conditions, making them better suited for experienced aquarists. They need specific care, including proper nutrient levels and flow, to thrive.
Water Parameters:
- Temperature: 72-78°F (22-26°C)
- pH: 8.1-8.4
- Salinity: 1.023-1.025
- Lighting: Moderate
- Water Flow: Low to Moderate
Maintaining stable water conditions and regular feeding of microplankton or coral food is essential for keeping Goniopora corals healthy and ensuring their vibrant polyps fully extend.