Epiplatys dageti, commonly known as the Yellowtail Killifish, is a captivating freshwater fish from the Killifish family (Aplocheilidae). With its sleek body and distinct yellow or orange-coloured tail, this species makes a beautiful addition to any aquarium. Its body is generally silver or light brown with subtle blue or green iridescence. Males display more vibrant colors, especially during courtship or when establishing dominance, while females have a more subdued appearance.
Epiplatys dageti is native to the slow-moving rivers, streams, and pools in West Africa, particularly in countries like Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea. These regions provide calm and shaded water bodies with dense vegetation, mimicking the ideal habitat for this species.
In the wild, Epiplatys dageti is an opportunistic carnivore, feeding primarily on small insects, larvae, and tiny invertebrates. In captivity, it can adapt well to a varied diet. Feeding them a mix of high-quality flakes, pellets, frozen foods, and occasional live foods like brine shrimp or daphnia will ensure they stay healthy and vibrant. To keep their diet balanced, try to incorporate both protein-rich foods and some vegetation-based options.
Tank Mates
The Yellowtail Killifish can coexist peacefully with other small, non-aggressive fish that prefer similar conditions. Suitable tank mates include:
Small tetras (e.g., neon or cardinal tetras)
Peaceful rasboras
Corydoras catfish
Other non-aggressive Killifish species
Avoid larger, more aggressive fish, as they may intimidate or outcompete Epiplatys dageti.
Generally considered peaceful, Epiplatys dageti may show some aggression toward their own species, particularly males establishing a hierarchy or defending territory. This is especially noticeable in smaller tanks. To reduce aggression, keep only one male per tank unless you have a spacious environment with plenty of hiding spots. Adding dense vegetation and hiding spaces can help reduce tensions.
Experience Level
Epiplatys dageti is best suited for aquarists with some experience, as they have specific water parameter requirements and can be sensitive to water quality fluctuations. They are, however, easier to keep than some other Killifish, making them a good intermediate choice for aquarists looking to expand their expertise.
Water Parameters
Temperature: 72-77°F (22-25°C)
pH: 6.0 – 7.5 (preferably slightly acidic)
Hardness: 2-10 dGH (soft to moderately hard water)
Tank Size: 10 gallons or larger
A well-maintained tank with subdued lighting and plenty of plants will best replicate their natural habitat. Regular water changes are essential to keep ammonia and nitrate levels low, as Killifish species are sensitive to poor water conditions.