YoYo Pakistani Loach Botia Almorhae 4cm


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YoYo Pakistani Loach Botia Almorhae 4cm

Overview: The YoYo Pakistani Loach, scientifically known as Botia Almorhae, is a charming and active species that adds vibrancy to your aquarium. With its distinctive patterns and playful behavior, this loach is sure to become a favorite among aquatic enthusiasts.

Origin: Hailing from the rivers and streams of Pakistan, these loaches bring a piece of the Indian subcontinent to your aquarium. Their natural habitat influences their preferences for water conditions and interactions with tank mates.

Feeding: YoYo Pakistani Loaches are omnivores, relishing a diverse diet. Ensure their vitality by offering high-quality pellets, flakes, live or frozen foods like brine shrimp and bloodworms. A well-balanced diet will enhance their colors and overall well-being.

Tank Mates: Known for their social nature, YoYo Loaches thrive in groups, making them excellent community tank inhabitants. Compatible tank mates include peaceful species like tetras, rasboras, and other non-aggressive loach varieties.

Aggression: Despite their active behavior, YoYo Loaches are generally peaceful. They may exhibit occasional playful chasing among themselves, but serious aggression is rare. However, providing ample hiding spots and a sufficiently sized tank can help prevent territorial issues.

Experience Level: Perfect for both novice and experienced hobbyists, the YoYo Pakistani Loach is relatively easy to care for. However, attention to water parameters and ensuring a suitable environment for their social behavior is crucial for their well-being.

Water Parameters: Maintain a well-filtered aquarium with stable water conditions. YoYo Loaches prefer slightly acidic to neutral pH (6.5-7.5), temperatures ranging from 75-82°F (24-28°C), and moderate water hardness.

Bring the beauty of Pakistan’s aquatic landscapes into your home aquarium with the YoYo Pakistani Loach Botia Almorhae – a lively and captivating addition for any aquatic enthusiast!