Amano Yamato Shrimp Caridina Multidentata 3cm
“Discover the elegance of the Amano Yamato Shrimp, scientifically known as Caridina Multidentata, a captivating freshwater species revered for its algae-eating prowess and peaceful demeanor. Originating from Japan, these shrimps were named after the renowned aquarist Takashi Amano, celebrated for popularizing planted aquariums.
Feeding primarily on algae, detritus, and decaying matter, these shrimps serve as nature’s impeccable cleaners, maintaining aquarium hygiene. Supplement their diet with algae wafers, blanched vegetables, or specialized shrimp food for optimal health.
Best suited for peaceful community tanks, the Amano Yamato Shrimp peacefully coexists with most fish species and other peaceful invertebrates. Due to their non-aggressive nature, they make excellent tank mates for smaller fish, snails, and peaceful bottom-dwelling species.
Their care requirements are moderate, making them suitable for intermediate aquarists. Stable water parameters are crucial: maintain temperatures between 72-78°F (22-26°C), a pH range of 6.5-7.5, and soft to moderately hard water. Ensuring a well-established, planted aquarium with hiding spots and ample vegetation enhances their comfort and reduces stress.
With their tranquil disposition and algae-cleaning prowess, the Amano Yamato Shrimp is a delightful addition to any aquarist’s tank, providing both aesthetic appeal and practical maintenance support.”