Orange Shrimp Neocaridina 2cm
“Introducing the vibrant Orange Shrimp Neocaridina, a captivating addition to any aquarium! Originating from selective breeding of freshwater shrimp in Taiwan, these stunning invertebrates boast a brilliant orange hue that adds a pop of color to your tank.
Feeding on algae, biofilm, and commercial shrimp pellets, they’re easy to nourish and maintain. Pair them with peaceful tank mates like small fish (such as tetras or rasboras) or other dwarf shrimp species in a well-established, planted tank.
Known for their peaceful nature, these shrimp exhibit minimal aggression, making them ideal for community setups. With a low experience level required, they’re perfect for beginners seeking a vibrant aquatic companion.
Maintaining stable water parameters is key: aim for temperatures between 68°F to 78°F (20°C to 25.5°C), a pH range of 6.5 to 8.0, and moderately hard water. Regular water changes and a well-balanced environment ensure these delightful shrimp thrive in your aquatic haven.”