Antenna Stingray Plesiotrygon Iwamae 30cm


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Antenna Stingray Plesiotrygon Iwamae 30cm

Overview: The Antenna Stingray, scientifically known as Plesiotrygon iwamae, is a captivating freshwater species admired for its unique appearance and behavior. This rare stingray is distinguished by its elongated snout resembling an antenna, contributing to its name. It showcases a beautiful, ornate pattern across its body, making it a prized addition to any freshwater aquarium setup. Despite its beauty, this species demands careful attention and specific care requirements.

Origin: Native to the Amazon Basin, the Antenna Stingray thrives in soft, acidic waters. Its natural habitat is characterized by sandy bottoms and dense vegetation, providing ample hiding spots and hunting grounds. Understanding its origin is crucial for replicating a suitable environment in captivity.

Feeding: This species is a carnivore, primarily feeding on small fish, crustaceans, and worms in the wild. In captivity, a varied diet of live and frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and small pieces of fish is essential for its health and well-being. Regular feeding and a balanced diet help mimic natural feeding habits and ensure proper nutrition.

Tank Mates: Choosing compatible tank mates for the Antenna Stingray is critical due to its peaceful yet territorial nature. Suitable companions include larger, peaceful fish that occupy the upper layers of the water column. It’s vital to avoid small, aggressive, or fin-nipping species that may stress or harm the stingray.

Aggression: The Antenna Stingray is generally peaceful towards other tank inhabitants but can become territorial, especially during feeding times or when paired with other bottom dwellers. Providing ample space and hiding spots can mitigate potential aggression.

Experience Level: Caring for the Antenna Stingray is recommended for advanced aquarists. Its specific water parameter requirements, sensitivity to water quality, and need for a spacious tank make it a challenging species to maintain.

Water Parameters:

  • Temperature: 76-82°F (24-28°C)
  • pH: 6.0-7.0
  • Hardness: 1-12 dGH
  • A large, well-filtered aquarium with a soft sandy substrate is ideal, mimicking its natural environment and allowing for its sensitive underside to remain unharmed.

Due to its specialized care requirements, the Antenna Stingray offers a rewarding challenge to experienced aquarists seeking to add a unique and beautiful species to their collection. Proper care, attention to detail, and a commitment to creating a suitable habitat are essential for the well-being of this exquisite freshwater ray.


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