Blue Eyed Kole Tang Ctenochaetus Binotatus
The Blue Eyed Kole Tang (Ctenochaetus binotatus) is a vibrant and peaceful marine fish native to the Indian Ocean. It has a rusty-colored body that turns yellowish-orange towards the tail, with bright polka-dots on its face and striking sapphire blue around its eyes. The Kole Tang also features two dark spots at the base of its tail, one above and one below. As a member of the Ctenochaetus genus, the Kole Tang is known for its specialized teeth that help it scrape off detritus and algae from rocks and aquarium glass. It is primarily herbivorous and requires a diet rich in marine algae and Spirulina to remain healthy and prevent aggressive behaviors. The Kole Tang is generally peaceful and can be kept with other peaceful fish, but it should be added to the aquarium first, as it may become aggressive towards other tangs introduced later. It is recommended to keep only one Kole Tang per aquarium, as they can be territorial towards their own kind. This species requires a large aquarium of at least 75 gallons to accommodate its adult size of around 8 inches. The tank should provide plenty of live rock for the Kole Tang to graze on and hide in, as well as open swimming space. Proper water parameters, including stable temperature, pH, and alkalinity, are crucial for the Kole Tang’s well-being. Overall, the Blue Eyed Kole Tang is a beautiful and interesting addition to a reef aquarium, but it requires an experienced aquarist who can provide the necessary care and environment for this species to thrive