Guinean Bichir Polypterus Ansorgii 10cm
Overview: The Guinean Bichir, Polypterus ansorgii, is a captivating and prehistoric-looking freshwater fish that adds a touch of the extraordinary to any aquarium. Known for its elongated body, distinctive dorsal finlets, and snake-like movement, this species is a living fossil, offering a glimpse into the ancient past. With its unique appearance and intriguing behaviors, the Guinean Bichir is a must-have for enthusiasts seeking an unusual addition to their aquatic collection.
Origin: Native to the rivers and waterways of West Africa, particularly in Guinea, the Guinean Bichir thrives in a habitat rich in vegetation and submerged roots. Its natural environment provides plenty of hiding spots and a soft substrate, mimicking these conditions in the home aquarium is key to their well-being.
Feeding: Polypterus ansorgii is carnivorous, requiring a diet rich in protein. Offer a variety of foods such as live or frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, and small fish. High-quality, carnivore-specific pellets can also supplement their diet. Regular feeding and a balanced diet will ensure your Bichir remains healthy and vibrant.
Tank Mates: When selecting tank mates, opt for species that are too large to be considered prey but can coexist peacefully with this mildly territorial fish. Suitable companions include larger tetras, cichlids (that are not overly aggressive), and catfish. Avoid small fish that the Bichir might mistake for food.
Aggression: The Guinean Bichir is generally peaceful towards similarly sized fish but can be predatory towards smaller species. Its nocturnal nature means it is most active during the night, so providing ample hiding spaces will help minimize stress and aggression.
Experience Level: Suited for intermediate to advanced aquarists, the care of Polypterus ansorgii requires a basic understanding of its needs, including tank requirements, diet, and social behavior. Its specific care requirements and larger size make it less suited for beginners.
Water Parameters:
- Temperature: 76-82°F (24-28°C)
- pH: 6.5-7.5
- Hardness: 5-20 dGH
- Aquarium size: Minimum of 75 gallons (284 liters) for a single individual, with ample space to swim and explore. The tank should have a tight-fitting lid as Bichirs are known to be skilled escape artists.
Providing a tank that mimics the Guinean Bichir’s natural habitat, with soft substrate, plenty of hiding spots, and appropriate water conditions, will ensure your Polypterus ansorgii thrives. This fascinating species is a testament to the diversity and wonder of aquatic life, offering an unparalleled experience for the dedicated aquarist.