Guitarfish Shovelnose Stingray Rhinobatos Typus




Guitarfish Shovelnose Stingray Rhinobatos Typus

The Guitarfish Shovelnose Stingray, scientifically known as Rhinobatos Typus, is a unique species of stingray found in the coastal waters of the Indo-Pacific region. This bottom-dwelling ray has a distinctive flattened, guitar-shaped body and a long, shovel-like snout, which it uses to uncover small crustaceans and mollusks from the seafloor.Guitarfish Shovelnose Stingrays are generally peaceful and docile, making them suitable tankmates for other non-aggressive fish species in a well-established aquarium. However, they can become territorial and should be housed with caution, especially with other bottom-dwelling species. These stingrays require an experienced aquarist, as they have specific water parameter needs, including a minimum tank size of 180 gallons, a sandy substrate, and stable water conditions with a pH between 8.1-8.4, temperature between 72-82°F, and high water flow.Overall, the Guitarfish Shovelnose Stingray is a unique and fascinating addition to the marine aquarium, but its care requirements and potential for aggression make it best suited for experienced hobbyists.