Metallic Green Star Polyp Pachyclavularia Violacea
The Metallic Green Star Polyp, scientifically known as Pachyclavularia violacea, is a hardy and resilient soft coral species that is well-suited for beginner reef aquarists. This coral features long, star-shaped polyps that are typically a mix of brownish and greenish hues, with the green coloration being more prominent in higher-quality specimens. The polyps can sway softly in the water flow, creating a decorative and eye-catching display in the aquarium. Pachyclavularia violacea is found throughout the tropical Indo-Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean, where it can grow in a variety of habitat types, often preferring turbid or shaded waters. It is a hardy and fast-growing species that can form dense mats and overgrow other corals if not properly managed. In terms of feeding, the Green Star Polyp relies primarily on its symbiotic zooxanthellae algae for sustenance, but can also be target-fed with small frozen foods like cyclops, rotifers, or mysis shrimp. It is considered a peaceful coral, but its rapid growth can make it aggressive towards other corals if not kept in check. For optimal care, the Metallic Green Star Polyp requires standard reef aquarium parameters, including a temperature range of 75-82°F, a pH of 8.1-8.4, and a dKH of 8-12. It can thrive under a wide range of lighting and water flow conditions, making it a suitable choice for beginner aquarists. However, it is important to monitor its growth and prune or frag the coral as needed to prevent it from overtaking the aquarium.