Orange Rili Shrimp Neocaridina 2cm
“Originating from selective breeding in Taiwan, the Orange Rili Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi) is a captivating freshwater invertebrate known for its vibrant orange coloration and distinctive transparent midsection. These petite crustaceans, measuring around 1 inch in size, thrive in planted aquariums, adding a burst of color to any aquascape.
Feeding on algae, biofilm, and commercial shrimp pellets, these omnivores appreciate a varied diet including blanched vegetables like zucchini or spinach. They contribute positively to the tank ecosystem by aiding in algae control.
Peaceful and non-aggressive, Orange Rili Shrimp coexist harmoniously with similarly sized, non-predatory tank mates such as small fish like tetras or rasboras. However, it’s essential to avoid housing them with larger, aggressive fish that might prey on these delicate invertebrates.
These shrimp are an excellent choice for beginners due to their hardy nature and adaptability to various water conditions. They prefer a pH range of 6.5-7.5, a temperature between 65-78°F (18-25°C), and moderately hard water with a GH of 6-8 and a KH of 3-10.
Their striking appearance, ease of care, and peaceful demeanor make the Orange Rili Shrimp a delightful addition to any aquarist’s tank, offering both aesthetic beauty and functional benefits.”