Ring Tail Tang Acanthurus Blochii
The Ring Tail Tang, scientifically known as Acanthurus blochii, is a stunning and unique saltwater fish. It has a bluish-gray body with yellow-brown spots running longitudinally across it, and a distinctive white ring around its caudal peduncle, which gives it its common name. This species is native to the Indo-Pacific region, ranging from the east coast of Africa to Hawaii. In the wild, they typically inhabit the outer edges of coral reefs and lagoons at depths of 2-15 meters. The Ring Tail Tang is primarily herbivorous, feeding on algae that grows on sand and rocks, as well as diatoms and detritus. In the aquarium, they should be provided with a varied diet of algae, artemia, frozen foods, and flakes. While generally peaceful towards other fish species, Ring Tail Tangs can be aggressive towards their own kind and may establish a hierarchy within the aquarium. It is recommended to only keep one individual per tank or to introduce them last if adding multiple Acanthurus species. Due to their large adult size of up to 50 cm and their specialized dietary requirements, the Ring Tail Tang is considered a challenging fish for beginner aquarists. An aquarium of at least 2,000 liters (396 gallons) is recommended to provide them with ample swimming space and allow for the growth of sufficient algae. Proper water parameters are crucial for the health of this species, including a pH of 8.1-8.4, temperature of 24-28°C, and specific gravity of 1.020-1.025.2 Regular water changes and a well-established live rock system are also essential for their care.