Sohal Tang Acanthurus Sohal
The Sohal Tang, scientifically known as Acanthurus sohal, is a vibrant and popular marine fish species. Originating from the Red Sea and the western Indian Ocean, this tang is known for its striking coloration and unique body shape.The Sohal Tang has a deep, laterally compressed body with a protruding snout and a prominent dorsal spine. Its body is predominantly yellow or orange, with distinctive black and white horizontal stripes running along its sides. This fish is an herbivore, feeding primarily on algae and other plant matter in its natural habitat.In terms of tank mates, the Sohal Tang is generally peaceful but can be territorial towards other tangs or similar-looking species. It is recommended for experienced aquarium hobbyists due to its specific water parameter requirements. The Sohal Tang thrives in a well-established marine aquarium with a pH between 8.1-8.4, a temperature range of 72-82°F, and moderate water flow.