Clown Pyjama Tang Acanthurus Lineatus
The Clown Tang (Acanthurus lineatus), also known as the Pyjama Tang or Lined Surgeonfish, is a striking member of the Surgeonfish family (Acanthuridae). It is an aggressive and challenging fish to keep, requiring an experienced aquarist. The Clown Tang is native to the Indo-Pacific region and can grow up to 38cm (1’3″) in length. It is reef-safe and can live harmoniously with corals and invertebrates, but may be intolerant of new tank mates, especially other Tangs. It is recommended to keep the Clown Tang as the only Tang in the aquarium. This fish is an active swimmer and requires a large aquarium of at least 950 liters (250 gallons) with plenty of rockwork for hiding spots and open areas for swimming. It is an algae grazer and should be offered marine algae/seaweed, as well as a variety of frozen foods and high-quality flakes/pellets. Excellent water quality, with low nutrient levels and stable pH and salinity, is essential for its health and well-being. The Clown Tang is best suited for experienced aquarists who can provide the necessary care and water parameters to maintain this aggressive and demanding species.