Chameleon Polyp Gorgonian Paramuricea Chamaeleon
The Chameleon Polyp Gorgonian Paramuricea chamaeleon is a type of soft coral that originates from the Indo-Pacific region. It has a branching, tree-like structure and can come in a variety of colors including red, orange, and purple. The Paramuricea chamaeleon is a filter feeder, capturing plankton and other small particles from the water column. This gorgonian is generally considered peaceful and can be kept with a variety of other reef-safe invertebrates and small fish. However, it may become aggressive towards other gorgonians or corals in the same aquarium if space is limited.Keeping the Paramuricea chamaeleon requires an intermediate level of experience. It needs stable water parameters, including a pH of 8.1-8.4, temperature of 72-82°F, and calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium levels within the recommended ranges for reef aquariums. Regular water changes and good water flow are also important for its long-term health and growth.