Golden Polyp Gorgonia Menella sp
The Golden Polyp Gorgonia (Menella spp) is a beautiful photosynthetic gorgonian that makes a stunning addition to any marine reef aquarium. Originating from tropical and subtropical oceans, this gorgonian features vibrant golden polyps that add a touch of elegance to the underwater landscape. To thrive, the Golden Polyp Gorgonia requires moderate to strong water flow and supplemental feeding of live or frozen foods like baby brine shrimp, Marine Snow, and PhytoPlan several times per week. It is a peaceful species that should be placed away from neighboring corals or anemones to prevent aggression. This gorgonian is recommended for intermediate to advanced aquarium hobbyists, as maintaining the proper water parameters is crucial for its long-term health. It requires a stable pH between 8.1-8.4, temperature between 72-82°F, and the addition of essential trace elements like iodine, calcium, and strontium. Algae and cyanobacteria growth must be closely monitored and removed immediately to prevent tissue deterioration. Overall, the Golden Polyp Gorgonia is a stunning and rewarding addition to a well-established marine reef aquarium, but its care requirements make it better suited for experienced hobbyists.